there is a slope, like an appetite

site banner, an image of text and a dial on red paper

hello and welcome to my site! i am messing around and having fun and not being serious. i hope you enjoy! site looks best on mobile :)

here's all the places on my site :)

i'm a big fan of:

⎋ means a link is external :)

as a personal policy i only list buttons + blinkies i know the sources of :)

(for keyboard users: skip past button credits to enable / disable gifs)

button for jack-dawlia's site. it is blue, has the text jack dawlia on the left and a the head of a black cat on the right. light blue button with the text 'this site uses alt text'. on the right of the text a mouse is hovering over a pixellated drawing of a tree and animal. button with the text 'mobile friendly'. on the left is a drawing of a smiling phone. the colour of the text and outline shifts between different hues of a rainbow. a greyscale button with the text 'parental advisory: i'm an adult yo' button with the text 'computer unfriendly'. on the left is a drawing of a sad computer. the colour of the text and outline shifts between different hues of a rainbow. button with the text 'english website'. on the left is the flag of the united kingdom. button with the text 'i live with a congenital heart defect'. on the right is a pixellated image of a normal heart. when animated the heart gets crossed out. button depicting the 9 stripe gilbert baker pride flag, made in 2018. button with the text 'site always under construction'. the background is yellow and the text is black, and the outline is dashed like caution tape. button with the text 'believe in the radical power of friendship' on a rainbow background. grey button with the text ' the web is yours'. button for i love being trans's site. the button has the text 'i heart being trans', the heart coloured like the transgender flag. the background is also patterned like the trans flag. button for specgens's site. the text 'specgens' scrolls from brown to gold, and on the left is tec hugging isa. one of isa's red eyes sparkles. button with the text 'right to repair now!' on the left of the text is a spanner and a screwdriver. button with brightly flashing text that says 'web design is my passion'. on the left is an image of the neocities cat logo. button with the text 'delete chromium get firefox'. on the left is a chromium logo inside of a bin. button with the text 'made directly in the neocities text editor, like an idiot'. the last 3 words flash green and red. the background of the button is dark blue and formatted like the neocities text editor and on the left of the image is the neocities cat logo. button with the aperture science logo on the left of text that says 'aperture (cut off) we do what (cut off) because we (cut off).' on the right cutting off the text is a blue portal. button with the text 'i am not obsolete'. on the left is a pixellated graphic of a cd spinning in circles. button with red flashing text that says 'pro ao3 freak'. on the left is the ao3 logo. pastel purple button with the text 'i love tapestry crochet'. on the right of the text is pixel art of light skinned hands swapping from purple to pink yarn on a crochet hook to make a pink heart on a purple square. above the piece of crochet there are 3 pixellated heart doodles. white button with the text 'use more alt text'. the vertical side borders are dashed red. button with the text 'low poly'. the text is dark purple and the background is a blue to purple gradient. in the centre of the background there is a flashing neon splatter. button with the text 'adhd haver'. the word adhd is in comic sans and flashes different neon colours, and on the left is a pixelated drawing of an emoji with shining sunglasses. button depivting tv static. button of the 8 stripe gilbert baker flag with the text 'proud to be me!' yellow button with the text 'the stanley parable'. on the left is a cropped image of stanley from the chest up shrugging. button with the aperture science logo on the right of text that says '(cut off) science (cut off) we must, (cut off) we can.' on the left cutting off the text is a orange portal. when whole the text says 'aperture science: we do what we must, because we can.' blue button with the text 'this user loves sunny weather!' in the background there is a pixelated drawing of the sun. button with a nonbinary flag gradient with the text 'made with pride' blue button with the text 'keep older computers useful!'. on the left is a pixellated drawing of an old computer. grey button with the text 'powered by testosterone'. on the left is an image of a rotating testosterone vial. grey button with the text 'powered by estrogen'. on the left is an image of a rotating estrogen vial. button with the text 'you're telling me a queer coded this'. in the background there is a rainbow gradient. grey button with the text 'ditch social media now!'. the left side swaps between the logos of facebook, instagram, tiktok and twitter, and puts a cross over each. button with the text 'wildflower fan club'. the text is in green banners on the top and bottom, and in the middle there are several pixellated drawings of flowers and shoots. black button with the text 'i hate windows 11'. the windows 11 logo is crossed out in red pixels. button with the word 'ferry' in capslock, jittering. the background is a warm grey and has faint doodles of eyes. white button with the text 'compact digital disc audio' on the right, and pixel art of a CD on the left. purple sparkly button with the text 'make a website'. the tect is white and in the background there is a vertical rainbow. button for an intersex blog's site. it is yellow with a purple border and has the text 'an intersex blog'. grey button with the text 'the murderbot diaries' with a person in futuristic armour on the left. the helmet visor shines as the figure moves. black button with the text 'fan club. cleaner air. safer shows.' in the centre of the button there is a white air purifier. pink button with the text ''. to the left of the text there is a white cat with black spots. grey button with the text 'i heart aliasing'. beneath the text is pixel art of a stylus drawing a pixelled pink zig zag.

these buttons are for the whole page; some of these flash!

here is my site button :) please save as (to get the gif, play site gifs!)

breaker one's site

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="https://whatever your site" alt="breaker-one's site"></a>

(for keyboard users: skip past blinkie credits to webring buttons)

black blinkie that scrolls through the text 'run back like a dog, a wounded dog'. there is a red glow running through the centre of the blinkie. on the left of the text is a white pixellated animation of a running dog. pink blinkie with the text 'recreational hrt user'. the background is sparkling. blue blinkie with the text 'i heart microsoft paint!', the heart is red. on both sides of the text there is a microsoft paint logo. blinkie with a rainbow gradient with the text 'bad web design!' the text switches between the font arial, comic sans, and a font with curly letters. on the right is an image of a mouse pointer that looks like a hand. yellow blinkie with the text 'sunlight'. the borders of the blinkie have flashing white and black dots. the yellow background is the same shade as the yellow stripe on the original gilbert baker pride flag. blinkie with a dark background that has the text 'now you're thinking with portals!'. the text swaps between a rainbow gradient, an orange to blue gradient and a white to pink to purple gradient. blinkie with a black background with text that says 'music? heck yes!' the background has bars made of colourful neon squares that jump up and down, and the text outline flashes different neon colours. red blinkie with the text 'red lover 4 life'. black blinkie with the text 'despite everything... it's still you'. the frame with 'it's still you' has two red hearts either side of the text. the font is white and from undertale. transparent blinkie with yellow text that says 'brain full of stars'. on either side of the text there are 3 stars that sparkle. grey blinkie with the text 'i heart linocut'. a pixellated lino roller rolls over the text and makes it cycle through a bright rainbow gradient. blinkie with the text 'biological sex is malleable'. the background is the transgender flag and the words biological sex have quotation marks around them. black blinkie with the text 'spreadsheet hell'. on the right side is a pixellated drawing of an old computer with a blinking blue screen. black blinkie with the text 'lethal company'. the text is red and inbetween the words is a red skull. yellow blinkie with the text 'neurotoxin ahead!' the horizontal borders of the blinkie are dashed black like caution tape. dark green blinkie with green text that says 'press alt and f4'. grey blinkie with the text 'help i'm stuck in a blinkie'. the border has a pastel rainbow and on the right of the text is a stick figure on all fours hitting the bottom of the blinkie. a purple blinkie displaying a pixellated drawing of the milky way galaxy and stars on either side of it. yellow blinkie with the text 'transneutral'. the background of the blinkie is made of lines that are different shades of light yellow, in the style of the transneutral flag. black blinkie with the text 'you should try it!'. the text is coloured with the transgender flag. black blinkie with the text 'hrt saves lives'. the text and border is red, and on the left of the text is a pixellated stethascope shaped like a heart. white blinkie with the text 'cisgender transsexual'. on the left of the text is a pink heart and on the right is a blue heart.

button for the accessible net webring, with a purple background and a stick figure in a purple circle on the left of the text.

thanks to jack dawlia for the help coding 0:) (especially for the nsfw zine filter!) and solaria's gif pausing guide! and w3schools lol

skip back up to introduction + interests!